I decided, on a whim, to attempt a simple little scratch-built biplane. This is my first ever scratch build so, to ensure my eventual failure, I decided to eschew plans altogether and just sort of make it up as I go along.
I found a set of plans for a paper, fold-and-tape Tiger Moth. With a little modification and a whole bunch of scaling, these form the basis for my 26″ wingspan model.
You can download the ‘plans’ I used, here. The plane is built from blue 1/4″ fan-fold foam purchased from Lowe’s.
Planned Setup:
- EMAX CF2805 0.9 oz 2800kV outrunner
- GWS EP 7035 prop
- Dynam 18A ESC
- 2x Dynam 9g servos
- 2x TP SG50 5g servos
- OrangeRx DSM2 receiver
- 610mAh 2S LiPo batteries
AUW is around 9.0 oz. The plane’s official page is here.
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