Zombee is my son’s plane. I built it as a Christmas present for him out of the ruins of a couple of HobbyZone Mini Super Cubs. The fuselage comes from Li’l B, my very first plane. It sported plenty of tape, glue and bamboo skewers before my son ever got a chance to fly it.
Since he got it, it’s been crashed a few times, had the tail replaced and had the front of the fuse broken off and glued back. So far, still a great flier.
Zombee is equipped with gear from HeadsupRC, including:
- 2712-12 brushless outrunner
- 20A PowerUp ESC (excessive but I had it on hand.)
- 5G TP SG50 servos
8030 GWS prop and prop saver- GWS EP 9050 prop and prop saver (a big improvement over the 8030!)
Here’s a video of my son flying the plane:
Pingback: L’il B – Hobbyzone Mini Super Cub and my First Love (R.I.P.) | Basement R/C
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