After an unexpected fire took out its original ESC and motor, I rebuilt my original Tiger Moth, Ella, for the umpteenth time. It’s now running an Emax CF2822 800kV motor and Turnigy Plush 18A ESC on a 1300mAh 3-cell, turning an APC 11 x 3.8SF propeller.
I’ve also eliminated the complicated rod setup for the ailerons and embedded two HXT500 6 gram servos in the lower wing, one for each aileron. The single servo setup has actually worked just fine for me for more than three years, but things were getting pretty loose where the rod went into the wings – the hole in the foam was getting very warn out – and I couldn’t think of a good way to fix it. So … dual aileron servos.
Man. I ran that funky old 2410-09Y bell motor for so long, the plane just isn’t gonna doesn’t sound right without it. Scroll down for video of the re-maiden.