This little guy, a Parkzone Ultra-micro J-3 Cub, is one of my favorite airplanes. It’s easy to fly yet astonishingly nimble for a 3-channel plane.
I got tired of replacing motor shafts and propellers every time I nosed over on landing, so I pulled out the stock motor and replaced it with the Mustang/Suhkoi motor which has a beefier shaft as well as more power.
Instead of either the stock Cub propeller or the really-too-big mustang prop, I’m using an E-Flite 110x80mm 3-blade prop. This is the same propeller used by the UM Corsair and the port engine on the UM Mosquito.
The plane now has enough power to carry an HD keychain camera aloft for some fun video.
The plane is now so fast and nimble that it’s possible to fold the wings up in flight. (Ask me how I know.) I’ve added a wing wire mod (details here) to help the wings stand up to the big gees the plane encounters when pulling out of a high-speed ‘death spiral.’
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