Blue fanfold scratch build – 1/12 Sopwith Triplane

This is a photo log of the build of my 1/12th scale (26.5″)  Sopwith Triplane. I’m still building, and will update this post with new photos as I take them.


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5 Responses to Blue fanfold scratch build – 1/12 Sopwith Triplane

  1. Pingback: [BLOCKED BY STBV] Yet another attempt at getting the Sopwith Triplane to fly. | Basement R/C

  2. Pingback: [BLOCKED BY STBV] Winston flies (a little bit) | Basement R/C

  3. Chuck Hough says:

    The fliques are great! I have a few planes myself but they do not fly very much. I enjoy seeing other peoples sstuff in the air on video.

  4. Pingback: [BLOCKED BY STBV] 1/12th scale Sopwith Triplane | Basement R/C

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