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Category Archives: Flying Wings
Programming differential thrust for my flying wing (using a DX9)
After I finished my Baby Divine flying wing, I decided to take advantage of the twin motors to add differential thrust – the ability to vary the thrust from right to left. This will add some yaw control. Since flying … Continue reading →
Baby Divine – 36″ scratch-built dual-tractor flying wing
The 36″ Baby Divine is a 60% scale version of the 60″ Papa Divine with a dual-tractor setup place of the Papa Divine’s pusher arrangement. The gear comes from my retired TwinBat. I’ve honestly lost track of what motors those … Continue reading →
Maiden flight of the Baby Divine
My newest scratch-build, the 36″ Baby Divine dual-tractor flying wing, finally took to the air today! en fl
Almost done!
My newest plane – a 60% scale twin tractor version of the Papa Divine – is almost ready to fly.
First flight of 2018
Temperatures finally climbed above freezing (barely) and I got in a quick flight with the Papa Divine before my freezing fingers drove me back inside.
Papa Divine Mark III – 60″ scratch-built flying wing
My 60″ scratch-built flying wing, the Papa Divine Mark III. (The Mark II broke in half pulling out of a dive. The Mark I flew like a turd.) Papa’s built from four sheets of ReadiBoard (Dollar Tree Foamboard) covered with … Continue reading →
Nose scoops for the Papa Divine
Things get a bit warm inside the Papa Divine’s electronics and battery bay, so I’ve added a pair of air scoops – one on each side of the camera mount – to hopefully force some cooling air over everything.
Re-building the Papa Divine (again)
After my beloved flying wing – the Papa Divine – snapped its main spar pulling out of a dive, I had no choice but to build another one. And away we go! Let’s start by picking over the corpse of … Continue reading →
Posted in Build Threads, Building, Flying Wings, R/C Planes, Repairs, Scratch Built
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Mississippi Kites
Before today, I didn’t even know that Mississippi Kites existed, let alone that they harbor a burning hatred of flying wings.