My niece has expressed interest in building an R/C airplane, and we’ve chosen the Blu-Baby as her first build.
Update: On our first test flight, the main wing showed an alarming tendancy to bend upwards under load, so the first order of business was to add some spars – salvaged from a Stryker build – to strengthen the wings.
We also added bamboo skewers to the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer to strengthen it as well.
Planned setup:
- Blue Dow 1/4″ fanfold foam
- 33″ wingspan
- hexTronik 24gram 1300kv outrunner
- (2x) HXT500 5g servos
- OrangeRx R610 Rx
- GWS EP 9×5 propeller
- HobbyKing SS 18-20A ESC (Way too big, but available.)
I’ll update the post as the build progresses.
awesome so im thinking blue bird or katie – bug or fallen star
You can name it anything you’d like.