This is my 22″ ‘David’ flying wing. It is, perhaps, the ugliest flying wing in the Great Plains region of the U.S. (It looks much better in the dark.) Based on the plans for the “David” flying wing from RC Groups, the airframe was built by meanbaby out of Dow blue foam. I, on the other hand, can claim full credit for the craftsman-like mounting of all hardware and electronics.
I have fitted the wing with LED strip lights to turn it into a night flier.
This wing uses a Kline Folgleman airfoil. Current setup:
- AX 1806N 2500kV brushless 19g motor
- PowerUp 10A ESC
- GWS 5030 propellers
- 3-cell, 450 mAh LiPo batteries.
All-up weight (AUW) is 213 grams, including the LEDs.
The receiver is an OrangeRx, Spektrum-compatible digital receiver with the hard case removed. Servos are 9g TPro SG80’s.